Andy Back-end Dev Engineer




  • quare brackets used to perform indexing into a string to get the value at a certain index/position
    s = "abc"
    index: 0 1 2  #indexing always starts at 0 
    index: -3 -2 -1  #last element always at index -1
  • can slice strings using [start:stop:step]
  • strings are “immutable” – cannot be modified
    s = "hello"
    s[0] = 'y'  #gives an error 
    s = 'y'+s[1:len(s)] #is allowed,s bound to new object


the process below also called exhaustive enumeration

  • given a problem…
  • you are able to guess a value for solution
  • you are able to check if the solution is correct
  • keep guessing until find solution or guessed all values
    cube = 8
    for guess in range(abs(cube)+1):
     if guess**3 >= abs(cube):
    if guess**3 != abs(cube):
     print(cube, 'is not a perfect cube')
     if cube < 0:
         guess = -guess
     print('Cube root of '+str(cube)+' is '+str(guess))


  • good enough solution
  • start with a guess and increment by some small value
  • keep guessing if guess3-cube >= epsilon for some small epsilon
  • decreasing increment (size slower program)
  • increasing epsilon (less accurate answer)
    cube = 27
    epsilon = 0.01
    guess = 0.0
    increment = 0.0001
    num_guesses = 0
    while abs(guess**3 - cube) >= epsilon: and guess <= cube :
      guess += increment
      num_guesses += 1
    print('num_guesses =', num_guesses)
    if abs(guess**3 - cube) >= epsilon:
      print('Failed on cube root of', cube)
    print(guess, 'is close to the cube root of', cube)
cube = 27
epsilon = 0.01
num_guesses = 0
low = 0
high = cube
guess = (high + low)/2.0
while abs(guess**3 - cube) >= epsilon:
    if guess**3 < cube :
        low = guess
        high = guess
    guess = (high + low)/2.0
    num_guesses += 1
print 'num_guesses =', num_guesses
print guess, 'is close to the cube root of', cube
  • guess converges on the order of log2N steps
  • bisection search works when value of function varies
  • monotonically with input
  • code as shown only works for positive cubes > 1 – why?
  • challenges modify to work with negative cubes!
  • modify to work with x < 1!


finish the challenge

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